Name Status
Discrete dynamical systems Not assigned
Fractals in fine arts. Not assigned
Chaotic mappings Not assigned
Linear difference equations in finance markets Not assigned
Aggregation operators and their applications Not assigned
Functional sequences and functional series Not assigned
ELECTRE methods Not assigned
Topic at the request of the student Not assigned
Chosen topic on game theory and its applications Not assigned
Black-box optimization Assigned
Fourier transform and applications Not assigned
Kolokační metoda pro numerické řešení diferenciálních rovnic Not assigned
Numerical computation of multiple integrals Not assigned
Orthogonal polynomials and their applications Not assigned
Particle Swarm Optimization Assigned
Shooting method for boundary value problems Not assigned
Stochastic gradient descent methods Not assigned
Topic in numerical methods Not assigned
Topic in optimization Not assigned
Accelerating convergence of methods for solving nonlinear equations Not assigned
Client segmentation using multivariate statistical methods Assigned
Mixed data clustering Not assigned
Statistical analysis of circular data Assigned
. Not assigned
Introduction to geographically weighted statistical methods Not assigned
Spectroscopic data analysis Not assigned
Image network detection methods Not assigned
Benford's Law Not assigned
Two aproached to diffusion: cellular automata and differential equations Not assigned
Image processing methods Not assigned
The secret of Moravian 'i' Not assigned
Smart grids Not assigned
Industry 4.0 Not assigned
covid data analysis Not assigned
Your own suggestion of a Thesis topic is very welcome Not assigned
Distributional data analysis in health science Not assigned
Dependence modeling in movement behaviors Assigned
You are what you eat or statistical analysis of food composition Assigned
Nonlinear methods of dimension reduction and their applications Assigned
No margin like margin or marginal distributions in analysing geological data Not assigned
Amenable groups Not assigned
Applications of Baire theorem Not assigned
Different proofs of the divergence of harmonic series Assigned
Baire-one functions Assigned
Inverse limits of set-valued functions Not assigned
How to use Zorn's lemma Assigned
Convergence of Probability Measures Not assigned
Korovkin theorem and its consequences Not assigned
Small sets Not assigned
The summation method for (not only) divergent series Assigned
Symbolic dynamics Not assigned
Tauberians theorems and their applications Not assigned
Topic on demand in mathematical analysis Not assigned
Ultrafilters in Mathematics Not assigned
Wasserstein space Not assigned
B-spline curves Not assigned
BB gradient method Not assigned
Interpolation in R^2 Assigned
Least square approximation in software R. Assigned
Dai-Kou type conjugate gradient methods Not assigned
Numerical integration Assigned
QR decomposition and its using. Assigned
Generalized minimal residual method Assigned
Diagonal preconditioning for the conjugate gradient method Assigned
Interpolation methods for functions of two variables Assigned
Methods of solution for systems with multidiagonal matrices Assigned
Optimality conditions and their applications Assigned
Practical testing of the positive definitness for matrices Assigned
Solution of positive semidefinite systems Assigned
Beam problem solution using finite difference method Assigned
Exchange-traded fund (ETF) Not assigned
Cross-validation in Machine-learning Not assigned
Metrics and scoring: quantifying the quality of predictions Not assigned
Latin Hypercube Sampling method Not assigned
NHL Draft under the (statistical) microscope Not assigned
How to WORDLE Not assigned
A tool for text data preprocessing Not assigned
Topic upon agreement Not assigned
Introduction to text data analysis Not assigned
Economical dynamical models Assigned
Epidemic dynamical models Assigned
Kolmogorov population models Assigned
Oscillators Assigned
Population dynamical models Assigned
Rotated pendulum Assigned
Solvability of first-order differential equations with time singularity Not assigned
Functions with derivatives their order is real number Not assigned
Cone in functional analysis and its applications Not assigned
Fixed point theorems for weakly contractive maps and their applications Not assigned
Mean value theorem v real and complex analysis Not assigned
Contractive mapping theorems in partially ordered sets and their applications Not assigned
Properties of solutions to the first order singular differential equations depending on parameter Not assigned
Differential equations on time scales Not assigned
Delay differential equations and applications Not assigned
Hybrid systems and applications Not assigned
Differential equations and Python Not assigned
Free topic Not assigned
Basic theory of fractional differential equations Not assigned
Clinical trials and statistics - the bayesian approach Not assigned
Clinical trials and statistics - the frequentists approach Assigned
Regression in Bayesian statistics Not assigned
Statistics and causality Not assigned
Development of mortality in the Czech Republic Assigned
Image processing Not assigned
Application of machine learning to particle physics data Not assigned
Machine learning and its applications Assigned
Neural networks and Tensorflow Not assigned
The use of regression for deriving mathematical and physical equations Not assigned
Noise and How to Deal with It Not assigned
Ant Colony Optimization Not assigned
Methods for vertex coloring Not assigned
Methods for solving selected variants of the assignment problem Not assigned
Numerical methods for delay differential equations. Not assigned
Optimization using the Optimization toolbox in Matlab. Assigned
Exact methods for solving the traveling salesman problém. Assigned
The collocation method for boundary value problems. Not assigned
Flows in Networks. Assigned
The transshipment problem and other modifications of transportation Assigned
Basic techniques for parallelization of numerical calculations. Reserved
Name Status
Text analysis by means of the Hurst exponent Not assigned
Text analysis by means of the Liapunov exponents Not assigned
Similarities and differences in approaches to fractals Not assigned
Fixed point theorems for expansive maps Not assigned
Cooperative multiplayer Game Theory and its application Not assigned
Shapley value and its application in ML algorithms Not assigned
Topic at the request of the student Not assigned
Numerical solution of differential equations with impulses Not assigned
Spline wavelets Assigned
Splines and optimal knot position Not assigned
Topic in optimization Not assigned
Wavelets and applications in solving differential equations Not assigned
Hot Spot Analysis Reserved
Zero imputation methods for compositional data Not assigned
Geographically weighted regression analysis Not assigned
Cell-wise Outliers Reserved
Mixed data clustering Not assigned
Interrupted time series and their applications Reserved
Statistical analysis of functional data Reserved
Statistical analysis of the selected data set Reserved
Porous media flow modeling Not assigned
Smart grids Not assigned
Industry 4.0 Not assigned
covid data analysis Not assigned
Your own suggestion of a Thesis topic is very welcome Not assigned
Outlier detection for distributional data Not assigned
Graphical models with Bayes spaces Assigned
Comprehensive workflow for the analysis of omics data in Python Assigned
Machine learning methods with compositional data Assigned
Application of functional analysis in economics according to student's own choice Not assigned
Baire functions and its properties Not assigned
Least squares splines Assigned
Using B-splines in bending problem for nonlinear beam Assigned
ZB splinets Not assigned
Mathematical formulations and solution of contact problems for beams and plates Assigned
Augmented Lagrangian method for the solution of variarional problems Assigned
Variantional principles and optimization in computational mechanics problems Assigned
Fuzzy aggregation operators and their properties Not assigned
Type-2 Fuzzy Inference Systems Not assigned
Neuro fuzzy inference system and its application Not assigned
Impulsive boundary value problem for ordinary differential equations Assigned
Impulsive initial value problem for ordinary differential equations Assigned
Mathematical modeling and integral equations Assigned
Stable and unstable manifolds of planar dynamical systems Assigned
Strong time singular Dirichlet boundary value problem Not assigned
Boundary value problems at resonace for fractional differential equations Not assigned
Dynamics of double spring mass system Not assigned
Poincaré-Birkhoff fixed point theorem Not assigned
Free topic Not assigned
Van der Pol oscillator Not assigned
Assessment of the stability of a random process and estimation of its asymptotic mean Assigned
PINNs and their applications Assigned
Generative models and their applications Assigned
Vehicle classification on the vehicle weighing system while driving Assigned
Derivation of mathematical equations using physics-informed machine learning Not assigned
Exact methods for solving VRP. Not assigned
Heuristics for solving VRTPTW. Assigned
Discontinuous Galerkin method. Not assigned
Parallel methods for solving ordinary differential equations. Not assigned
Fast tracing algorithms for computation of reflector´s spot of light. Assigned