Name | Status |
Amenable groups | Not assigned |
Applications of Baire theorem | Not assigned |
Different proofs of the divergence of harmonic series | Assigned |
Baire-one functions | Assigned |
Inverse limits of set-valued functions | Not assigned |
How to use Zorn's lemma | Assigned |
Convergence of Probability Measures | Not assigned |
Korovkin theorem and its consequences | Not assigned |
Small sets | Not assigned |
The summation method for (not only) divergent series | Assigned |
Symbolic dynamics | Not assigned |
Tauberians theorems and their applications | Not assigned |
Topic on demand in mathematical analysis | Not assigned |
Ultrafilters in Mathematics | Not assigned |
Wasserstein space | Not assigned |
Name | Status |
Application of functional analysis in economics according to student's own choice | Not assigned |
Baire functions and its properties | Not assigned |